Not that it's not salsa but, it's also not quite coleslaw. It is however tasty and a great way to extend you homemade salsa for any summer gathering.

Spring going into summer launches the season of outdoor BBQ and family gatherings, enjoy this recipe for summer slawsa (salsa) to share with the crowds. I think one of my favorite side dishes to make and take is salsa. It always seems to please the crowds and the tummies. I feel like it disappears way too fast, especially at my summer events, so I had to come up with ways to stretch it out to feed the crowd. It needed to be something that doesn’t change flavors or weigh down the mix and break chips. My solution…cabbage. Coleslaw is a summer BBQ staple, so I came up with the ideal combination of two of my favorite side dishes. Salsa plus cabbage of coleslaw = slawsa. Here is my fresh twist on an old classic that is my summer favorite, that I hope you will love too.
Summer Slawsa
Serves 1 BBQ crowd
½ head of shredded/thinly sliced cabbage
4 large or 8 small tomatoes, diced
1tbl or juice of 2 limes
¼ cup rough chopped cilantro
½-1 jalapeno finely chopped (depending on how spicy you like)
optional: red chili flakes
healthy pinch of salt (season to taste)
½ a small white onion diced
2 cloves garlic crushed or finely chopped
optional add in: 1/4 – 1/2 cup seasonal fruits like mango, strawberry, peach, nectarines, or sliced citrus
Shred or grate cabbage, add salt to wilt a little and let off some juices. Drain juices before tossing together with other ingredients.
Dice and mix together onion, garlic, jalapeno, lime juice, and set aside while you chop tomatoes, herbs, optional fruits.
Chop tomatoes and add to drained cabbage. Mix with rest of ingredients.
Top with herbs and fresh fruit if you choose to add those.
Season to taste (remember the cabbage has salt) and refrigerate. Tastes best chilled with fresh chips.
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